"Design, Create, Thrill. The Power of Graphic Design to Spark Emotions" is my most outstanding achievement so far. This book was published in October 2019 and focuses on how designers can adapt the emotional design theories into the graphic design world.  It is meant to be used as a tool to create a successful emotion-driven design and to help designers to harmonize concepts, thoughts and ideas to touch someone’s heart.


About the book

The book presents twenty-three principles which bring the designer closer to an emotion-driven design. These principles are grouped into chapters according to the level of emotions that they elicit. The reader will find timeless design pieces from all over the world and from distinct points in time, as well as brief interviews and conversations with some of the authors and designers mentioned in the chapter.

Featured image: "12 Kinds of Kindness" by Jessica Walsh and Timothy Goodman. Chapter: Illumination // Uplifting Experience

Featured image: Tom Haugomat and DDB Paris for Volkswagen. Chapter: Narrative // Storytelling

Featured image: "Compact Discothéque" by Nuno Coelho. Chapter: Appealingness // Discoverability

Featured image: "Commentary" by Hey Studio. Chapter: Appealingness // Attraction

This project started as my master's final project, which was well received by the school community and was awarded a silver prize for one of the best projects for that year's master programmes. It was the push I needed to take the project one step further – going more in-depth on the research, work on my own theories and publish it.


Press and Commercialization

The book is selling in specialized libraries all over the world. It was mentioned in design magazines like Graffica and Page. I had the opportunity to present it to design students from Elisava, together with the participation of some of the design studios featured in the book. More recently (Seo 2020) I published a related article in gràfica magazine and presented it in the Symposium organized by the same magazine.

Mention in Page magazine.

Presentation at the 6th Symposium gràfica, Sep 2020. 

My humble hope is that this book encourages readers to design with emotions, for emotions.

"Some time ago I read a quote from Tibor Kalman that, still burning, I subscribe: Most of the history of design is not written, it is shown. There is much to look at, but little to think about. Maybe it's because designers don't read. Your book goes in the opposite direction: there is as much to look at as there is to think about. And it does it in a simple way, not at all petulant, accessible and dotted with good examples and voices that give visual form to analytical thinking. Congratulations! It is a great and necessary book. Hopefully, it will become a must-read in design schools to enhance a critical and emotional view of the profession." – Isidro Ferrer

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